Monday, April 18, 2022

"The Man Who Understands Hobbits" by Denis & Charlotte Plimmer-1968

In 1968, husband-and-wife writing team Denis and Charlotte Plimmer interviewed J.R.R. Tolkien. From that interview, they drew an article entitled "The Man Who Understands Hobbits," published in The Daily Telegraph Magazine on March 22, 1968, pages 31ff. The article was reprinted in Weekend Magazine on August 31, 1968, for distribution with Sunday newspapers in Canada.

Below are images of the original article. I have turned an oblique photograph of the cover into a straight-on image. I have also cropped and rearranged images of the text so as to fit the format of this blog. I don't know the source of these images. I don't know why page one is pink. And I don't know who made the annotations. I hope that you find it readable, and beyond that, interesting. I find it interesting that a contributor to Weird Tales also interviewed one of the giants of twentieth-century fantasy. You can fairly say without taking anything away from them that the Plimmers immortalized themselves by interviewing Tolkien. Finally, I don't make any claims as to rights to or ownership of this interview and article nor to the photographs on the cover and contained within (these done by Graham Finleyson). I publish these images based on the doctrine of fair use, for educational and informational purposes only, and I do not profit monetarily from that publication or from this blog.

Original text copyright 2022 Terence E. Hanley


  1. Thank you for posting this. It is an excellent interview with Tolkien. I especially love his rueful comment "I have always been incapable of doing the job in hand." This is something he makes a theme of in his very self revealing story "Leaf By Niggle".

    1. You're welcome, JohnnyMac.

      I'm glad you enjoyed it.


  2. I loved this interview, thanks for posting it :)

    1. You're welcome, Anonymous,

      I'm sure there are many others like you who have read it and enjoyed it.

      Maybe there should be a compilation in print of articles and interviews like this one. There must be more out there. Fans and scholars of Tolkien would be happy to see them.

