Monday, August 19, 2024

Weird Tales: The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary-Part One

In January 1940, Weird Tales began as a bimonthly rather than monthly magazine. There were no more April issues, but March and May remained. So in March 1948, Weird Tales celebrated twenty-five years in print with a commemorative cover by Lee Brown Coye and messages inside from the editor, presumably Dorothy McIlwraith, and its two leading contributors, at least in terms of the number of pieces each had published in the magazine. These were August Derleth and Seabury Quinn.

The introduction, from "The Eyrie," March 1948:

Weird Tales, 25 Years

ON this occasion of WEIRD TALES' twenty-fifth birthday, we'd like to share with you the kind comments of Seabury Quinn and August Derleth, especially sent to us for this anniversary. These two have known and contributed to WEIRD from its earliest days; their many superb stories and always-helpful suggestions through the years have contributed in no small way to the magazine’s success. And when we thank them we mean to thank, too, all the other fine contributors and friends who have helped us do the job that is your WEIRD TALES.

To be continued . . . 

Weird Tales, the 25th-anniversary issue, March 1948, with cover art by Lee Brown Coye. The names on the cover were some of the magazine's heavy hitters.

Original text copyright 2024 Terence E. Hanley

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