Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Poetry of Helen V. Rowe

Helen Van Arsdale Rowe, known to readers of Weird Tales as Helen Rowe Henze, was born in Pennsylvania but went to school in Kansas City, Missouri. Even as a high school student, she was an ambitious poet, as the following verse shows. These three poems, "The Gulls," "The Voices of Nature," and "The Journey," are from her high school yearbook, the Westport High School Herald, 1918.

These poems, published in 1918, would appear to be in the public domain.

Original text copyright 2011, 2023 Terence E. Hanley. 


  1. She is one of my favorite poets. I have and cherish a signed copy of ARISE, MY LOVE published in 1953.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    I'm happy to hear that Helen is still known and cherished by readers of poetry. I hope I have offered some verse that is new to you.

