Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from

Tellers of Weird Tales!

From The Century Magazine, December 1916, back cover art by Canadian-American artist Norman Mills Price (1877-1951). There may be product placement in this illustration--look for a container of Baker's Cocoa in the young woman's basket--but at least we have a break from the mostly dreary and unhappy contents of the Cosmic Horror Issue of Weird Tales.

Terence E. Hanley, December 24-26, 2024.


  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Terence. Thanks for another year of interesting and informative posts!

  2. Awwwww! What a sweet picture! I love it1 A belated Merry Christmas to you from March 2025!

    1. Thank you, Jeff,

      Sweetness was a quality of the culture of the past, but it seems to have disappeared from our own. People seem to prefer meanness and vulgarity in its place.

      Thank you for writing.


    2. You're welcome! I'm a sentimentalist myself---I usually send out Christmas cards with snowy scenes or the three Wise Men or Snoopy.
